
The fastest and most efficient way to improve performance, reach goals and deal with stressful situations


Ensuring an optimal steady performance

 Depending on the goal the coaching programs are tailored to match the specific challenges and goals identified by the company and the coachee. Typically, I operate with three different coaching options: Performance Coaching, Executive Coaching and Leadership Development Coaching. The three are not ’cut in stone’ categories’, but are beneficial to ensure that both company, coachee and I are clear about goals and expectations.

Performance Coaching

Performance Coaching will help the coachee to work efficiently within his or her core competencies and stretch into new competencies improving performance. It is a highly efficient method to find a solution to the challenges the coachee face in his or her job. Further, it can help the coachee embrace change, balance work and life, personal presence and other topics that are important for the coachee and his or her ability to perform. 

Executive coaching

Coaching leaders require a coach that has experience with understanding the specific challenges that are present on this level in the organization. Executive coaching helps the executive identify his or her strengths and weaknesses and address both. Often executive coaching is a longer-term relationship, and the topics vary from strategic-related issues, urgent matters, work/life balance-related issues, or leadership style challenges.

Leadership Development Coaching

Focus will be on agreed specific areas of leadership development. This type of coaching involves not only coaching but specific training in identified leadership areas.

The first meeting is typically a 3-part meeting held with the coachee, the manager, and the coach. At this meeting target and goals are agreed upon and we narrow down what specific areas that needs to be addressed. Further, we agree on follow-up between coachee, manager, and coach ensuring that confidentially between coachee and coach remains intact throughout the coaching.


If we find it useful we can include assessments. Either assessments already used by the company or a 360-degree feedback, an MBTI or EQi


During the coaching, if needed, I will provide relevant articles and material. Further, I am always available for a shorter phone call or email support during sessions.

A session is typically between 1 – 1 ½ hour long and is held in person, by phone or skype.

The value of coaching

International Coach Federation made a client study of what was gained from coaching and this is what they found:

Increased Productivity
70% experienced improved work performance
61% experienced improved business management
57% experienced improved time management
51% experienced improved team effectiveness

Professional coaching explicitly targets maximizing potential and in doing this unlocks latent sources of productivity. At the heart of coaching is a creative and thought-provoking process that supports individuals to confidently pursue new ideas and alternative solutions with greater resilience in the face of growing complexity.

Positive People
In the face of uncertainty caused by workforce reductions and other factors, expectations of the remaining workforce in a suffering company are very high. Restoring self-confidence to face the challenges is critical to meet organizational demands.

80% experienced improved self confidence
73% experienced improved relationships
72% experienced improved communication skills
67% experienced improved work/life balance

Return on Investment
68% of individuals that made back at least their investment
86% of companies that made back at least their investment

The coach-client relationship generates learning and clarity for forward action with a commitment to clear measurable outcomes. Coaching offers a good return on investment for individual clients and offers a significant return on investment for companies.

Satisfied Clients
99% was “Somewhat or Very Satisfied” with overall experience
96% would repeat the process Virtually all companies or individuals who hire a coach are satisfied. If your company is not thriving, coaching is an effective catalyst for change.

Source: 2009 ICF Global Coaching Client Study

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